Richard White RIP

  It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of Richard White following a long illness. Although we have not seen Richard in recent years, he was a member of the committee of the Historic Racing Car Association (HRCA) for many years and was...

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Message from our Chairman .

A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HISTORIC RACING CAR ASSOCIATION   22/3/2020.     To all of our members, supporters and friends     Motorsport Ireland have issued a statement to the effect that all events permitted by     Motorsport Ireland are suspended...

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News Update

The HRCA committee have reluctantly decided to cancel our pre season get together on the 29th March . Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and in line with government advice on social distancing we feel it is in the best interest  of all HRCA members , partners , friends and ...

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HRCA 2020 Season Launch

                                                                  Important date for your diary . HRCA  announce the official launch of our 2020 season   Sunday 29th March @ Kilcoole Co.Wicklow  Exciting news as we announce our pre season launch in Kilcoole Co Wicklow...

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Pre Season Testing

There will be pre season testing at Mondello park on Friday 13th March . The usual half or full day available . Maybe the costs should be historically linked to the age of our cars !

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2020 News

I will publish the 2020 pre season review soon . But rumour has it that a well know lady racer from the 60s/70s will once again grace the grids , the attached photo is a clue ! The lady on the lefts son will also race with us , the tradition lives on .

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Membership 2020

As the memory of Christmas and new year celebrations begin to fade and we all sail optimistically into the roaring twenties our thoughts turn to the brighter days of Spring and the excitement of a new season of historic racing ahead. For the HRCA and its dedicated...

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Happy Christmas to all in HRCA and Friends

Happy Christmas to all in HRCA and Friends

From the Committee we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year! Do let us know your racing plans for 2020 - and any events / ideas you have for the Committee to consider. Next event is our annual Kart event in Kylemore - Conor will be in touch with the details...

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Awards Dinner 2019

Awards Dinner 2019

A very successful and enjoyable Awards Dinner was held in The National Yacht Club on Saturday 30th November, attended by almost 60 Members and Friends. Our photo shows Bernard Foley winner of the Impact Ireland Metals Scratch Championship, and Association Member of...

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Please come to our Technical Talk Night on Tuesday 5th November at 19:30 for 20:00. Ed Rynhart will present 'IGNITION SYSTEMS' - who knows maybe this is the beginning of a uTube feature! Light snacks available on the night - being held in the Diving Club, The Harbour,...

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RACE Calendar 2020 draft

RACE Calendar 2020 draft

Please note below dates - these are the likely dates, Hillclimbs/Sprints and pre '55 details to follow Sat April 4th - Mondello National Sat/Sun May 9/10th - Bishopscourt Sat June 6th - Mondello National Fri June 27th - Kirkistown Sat/Sun Aug 15/16th - Mondello...

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AGM News

Our AGM was held on Monday 14th in the RIAC Dawson Street with 14 Members in attendance. All paperwork was approved including our accounts. Items of note were that the proposed handicap system for 2020 was adopted - I will write a separate note for more detail on...

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Diary dates

Please diary - AGM in RIAC Dawson Street Dublin on Monday 14th at 20:00 - review of the year - financial results - election of Committee - consideration of proposed change to handicap system for results (if you can't attend, your observations are welcome) Technical...

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Leinster Trophy Mondello 14th September

Leinster Trophy Mondello 14th September

We had the best weather of the year in Mondello for the Leinster Trophy meeting. There were 13 cars out in qualifying, including new comer Johnny Plower in Liam's Modsports, usually navigated by Stevie Griffin. The racing was close between the top 4, Jackie, Bernard,...

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Mondello Historic Festival 2019

Mondello Historic Festival 2019

Well, it was worth the wait and build-up. We had almost 20 cars on the HRCA grid, almost 10 on the pre '55. If you weren't there, check Facebook, uTube and What's app (let me know if you are not on the circulation lists - email me on Special...

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Limerick Hill Climb – Glenroe 3/4 August 19

Limerick Hill Climb – Glenroe 3/4 August 19

5 HRCA Members entered this 1.25 mile sprint along a country road near Kilmallock. Mick O'Sheas MGB, Sean Murray in the Lotus +2, Wolfgang in his Midget, Ken McAvoy in the Riley and Ed Cassidy in the Iona. The weather varied a bit but dry runs were had by all. See the...

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Diary Dates

The Committee have proposed the following dates, which please diary Monday 14th October 2019 for the AGM, 20:00 in RIAC Dawson Street, Dublin 2 - some parking available Saturday 30th November 2019 for our Annual Awards Dinner, in the National Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire...

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Bishopscourt R2 11/12 May 2019

Bishopscourt R2 11/12 May 2019

Have a look at this footage from Bishopscourt last May, courtesy of Brendan Keane's Mallock - chasing Clive's Lotus 47  

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Terenure Classic & Vintage Car Show 2019 – WINNERS!

Terenure Classic & Vintage Car Show 2019 – WINNERS!

Our Club the HRCA were awarded 'BEST STAND' at this years Terenure Show on 7th July 2019. Being the first time we had our own stand, this Award is a major achievement for our Association. We won in that we had the only 'all racing' car theme, Liam had engineered a...

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Kirkistown June 2019

Kirkistown June 2019

We had 12 cars for the grid in Race 1, on a bright and sunny day. Most of us took scrutiny on Friday evening, with qualifying and the 2 races spread nicely over the Saturday. John Benson in his Crossle took the honours in Race 1 by 20 seconds over Jackie's Tiger, in...

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