It has been 394,560 minutes since our last race meeting.   Some of those minutes felt like hours as the time ticked by with nothing to do and no racing.   Everyone was slightly over excited to be back on the track again.   It is like being a small child on Christmas Eve.   The usual worries:   how will the car go, will it pass scrutiny, what are the correct tyre pressures and the more unusual worries:   can I remember how to race, what do the flags mean, has the Covid weight gain made my race suit a little tighter than is comfortable?   All drivers looked well despite the long lock down and those who ate their own weight of over-rated banana bread.

The new meaning of Covid to HRCA racing drivers is:

C       =   cars racing

O      =   on track

V       =   very good fun and an

I         =   inspirational

D       =   day for everyone

We had 10 cars on the grid for the first race and 11 for the second race.

Ken was responsible for our new handicapping system he must have needed an algorithm to do it as it was beyond my comprehension.

Wolf lost his crocs and was wandering around the paddock in the socks – they were eventually found on his trailer, a strange place to store them.

The new café was offering great food, good coffee and healthy options but some people did not take up these options.   Nothing beats sausage and chips for lunch.

Leo said Conor’s car was still under development – note to Conor:   losing the exhaust during the race does not really lighten the car.

Colin had a few excursions off the track, his driveway must nearly be completed with all the kitty litter he collected.

Bernard gets “Spirit of the Meeting” award for his gold medal sprint with his fire extinguisher to put out a fire in a Formula Vee in the assembly area.

Despite Neil Kavanagh’s issue with head gasket if his gorgeous Mini goes missing I know who has it.  A warm welcome back to the HRCA grid to Noel Collins and Eddie Kinirons.

We had some mechanical problems during the day but all-in-all a well run meeting.

Great event and safe driving for HRCA and so good to be back on the track.   Noel and Liam were not driving but you could see they were missing the buzz and getting itchy accelerator feet.

The weather was good which is amazing for Mondello hopefully more to come for the rest of the long awaited racing season.

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