We continue to live through these very difficult and trying times with all playing our part in complying with the restrictions and regulations imposed by the Authorities charged with keeping us safe and well.


Your Committee have been in constant contact by Zoom and telephone to ensure that we look after the interests on the HRCA and all its members. In this context , I would like to update our members, supporters and friends on a number of issues.



HRCA Championships 2020


0n 6th May, Motorsport Ireland informed us that the Motorsport Council decided to extend the suspension of all Motorsport Ireland permitted events until 20th July 2020 in alignment with the Government Roadmap for Recovery, Phase 4.


Mondello also informed us that they will reopen for competitive events on the week end of 25th/26th July.


We have already lost two meetings in Mondello in April and June and also Bishopscourt and Kirkistown in May and June respectively. This means we have lost eight races from our official programme of twelve for 2020.  Also, all hill climbs have been cancelled. In effect we only have four races remaining, two in Mondello on 15/16 August (Historic Festival- see below) and two in Mondello on 12th September (Leinster Trophy meeting) as part of our official 2020 programme.


Therefore the HRCA Committee have reluctantly taken a decision to cancel all HRCA Championship for 2020.  The remaining four races will be run as non Championship events under the handicapping system approved at last year’s AGM and subsequently approved by Motorsport Ireland.  Being non Championship races, we will provide new trophies for the scratch and handicap races to the winners over the four races.



2020 Membership Subscriptions and Sponsorship


In view of the curtailment or the season and the cancellation of the 2020 Championships, the Committee has decided that all membership subscriptions paid to date and those who pay before the end of this season will be fully credited as membership subscriptions for 2021. Sponsorship received for 2020 will also be credited as 2021 sponsorship.


However, it is proposed to introduce a €10.00 levy on each entrant per race for the remaining races in 2020. For an entrant in all four scheduled races remaining, the cost would be €40.00.


Should there be an appetite among our competitive members for additional races, we will endeavour to secure dates with, for example Kirkistown, but that is subject to interest from our competition members and availability of grids at other tracks. The Committee would appreciate reaction to this proposal from our competitive members. I would add that this proposal is also subject to a relaxation in the distance we are allowed to travel from our homes on any relevant dates.



Historic Festival – Scheduled 15th/16th August


As a result of the restrictions on travel and social distancing, it appears that it would be exceedingly difficult to hold this event in the format originally envisaged which included a substantial number of entries from the UK.


A considerable amount of work has gone into the organisation of this event by HRCA Committee members in conjunction with personnel from Mondello. A further Zoom meeting is scheduled next week with Mondello to discuss the event, but it now appears that it will be a much toned down event because of the imposed restrictions. The general feeling is that it would be very ambitious to meet our original aspirations for the event and, rather than fail in that, the event should be postponed to 2021 in its original format and proceed with a “local” event as part of our remaining programme for 2020.


We will keep members informed as events unfold.



I will close by expressing the hope that all our members, supporters and friends keep well and safe in these extraordinary times.




Noel Kavanagh




Dated 1st June 2020




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