Organisation of Racing in 2020

In the event that we are able to run races in 2020 (and this is looking very possible) This is a short note to remind everyone that we successfully altered our scoring system at the end of 2019 and reverted to a handicap based racing structure as opposed to speed groups. We had agreed at our AGM that we would trial this proposal in 2020. In the event Covid has put paid to that.

However, it is still proposed that we will use this system in whatever racing we are able to enjoy.

To remind everyone of what the new handicap system will look like the following is an extract from the March 2020 Amendments to the 2020 Motorsport Irelands Yearbook – Appendix 49 for your information


5.1.4 Points for races counting towards the George Mangan Trophy will be scored depending on the finishing time for each competitor adjusted according to a rolling handicap formula to calculate an adjusted race time which will determine the position in the race. The basis for calculating the handicap to be applied at each race will be as follows:

  • The handicap is calculated based on the results of the last race in which the competitor was a classified finisher.
  • For the first race of the season the handicap will be the competitors last handicap from the previous season. New competitors will race with a scratch handicap in their first race.
  • Handicaps are calculated by dividing the fastest driver/car combination’s fastest lap in each race by the specific driver/car combination’s fastest lap and expressing this as a number
  • The driver/car combination’s actual race time will then be multiplied by this number to calculate an adjusted race time
  • In the event that a driver/car combination fails to complete the number of laps of the leading car/driver combination, his total race time will be calculated by adding to his actual finish time a time calculated by multiplying his average lap time in the race by the number of laps uncompleted when compared to the leading car combination
  • Handicaps are applied to total race times


The Committee is optimistic that this new approach to our racing results formulation will make racing more meaningful for all competitors and the fact that we will have a shortened season will allow us to sample the system and improve if necessary for 2021


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