Sunday 30th September – Ken’s Wicklow Ramble – join him in the Step Inn between 10:00 and 11:00 on this Sunday, for a ramble through Wicklow ending in Kilcoole for Barbecue and Wine. Total cost €40 per car, for Childrens’ Charity. The older the better (car not occupiers!) but all welcome. Contact Mc********@ya***.ie
Monday 15th October at 20:00 – AGM of HRCA, in RIAC Dawson Street, followed by informal open forum discussion to agree our plans for 2019.
Saturday 1st December from 19:00 – Awards Dinner, National Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire. Our premier social event of the year. Tickets €45 include Wine. Contact Liam on 087 6175 193.