Some pit chatter at the tropical Mondello July meeting by our spectating mystery scribe as she ambled around the sweltering paddock .


“Me mind on  fire – Me soul on fire – Feeling Hot Hot Hot – Keep up this spirit – Come on let’s do it – Feeling Hot Hot Hot

(by the Merrymen)

Saturday at Mondello – the above sums it up completely, it was boiling.   Sort of alright in shorts and polo shirt but definitely not in all the race gear.   Our intrepid members “kept up the spirit” and went racing with great enthusiasm despite the heatwave.   The usual amazing selection of shorts, knobbly knees and grown men eating ice cream cones was a sight to behold.   We could really have done with a paddling pool to cool off in.


School Report


  1. Bernard Foley:   was suffering from a back problem but it did not hinder his performance in any way and he enjoyed the lunch break to cool off.
  2. Jackie Cochrane:   had coolant problems in Race 2 – very apt on the hot day but great to see him back on the grid with Patricia, as ever, looking after him perfectly.
  3. Gareth Thompson:   if Jackie had caught Gareth in second race would he make it easy for his father-in-law to pass him?   Luckily that didn’t arise.    Pamela said she was more nervous watching the racing than racing herself.   Maybe she should come back racing.
  4. Bill Griffin:   nice to see him out for our second meeting in a very familiar car.
  5. Mark Russell:   good to have his lovely Jaguar back on the grid.
  6. Eddie Kinirons:   as ever a very welcome addition to our grid.
  7. Johnny Flynn:   how great to see him back racing and he was chasing down Mark Russell.   Although he did have some recall problems in qualifying as he thought the racing was on the National track but no harm done.
  8. Wolfgang:   still wandering around the paddock in his socks.
  9. Seamus Hobbs:   seems to have had a trouble free day.
  10. Edwin Rynhart:   had a genius accessory in his car a fan, as air conditioning, from a computer – great innovative thinking.
  11. Ken McAvoy:   had the lunch of winners a sausage baguette.
  12. Sean Murray:   hopefully drove his race car home safely after a hard day’s racing.
  13. Noel Collins:    was in great form and flying around the International Circuit.   The Chairman was delighted to discover he is a great Munster rugby supporter.
  14. Clive Brandon:   had technical issues (oil pressure?) and headed home at the lunch break.
  15. Brendan Keane:   another driver with mechanical problems (gears?) and headed off early.
  16. Neil Kavanagh:   his lovely, but temperamental, Mini is now back on the naughty step.


H ot, verheating and ired.

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