As the memory of Christmas and new year celebrations begin to fade and we all sail optimistically into the roaring twenties our thoughts turn to the brighter days of Spring and the excitement of a new season of historic racing ahead.

For the HRCA and its dedicated committee this is the crucial period when we need members to renew and new recruits are saught and warmly welcomed.

We cannot stress strongly enough how important it is for our family of historic racers,  competitors and friends alike to be fully paid up members of our association for the coming year.

It is with your subscriptions along with the sponsorship received from our partners that we survive , operate and promote the fastest growing and most exciting discipline of motor sport in Europe.

The 2020 HRCA season promises to be special with several new cars on the grid and many drivers returning after few years sabbatical.

After a quiet 2019 the pre 55s are set to be back in full force with many drivers committing to a full programme of racing.

The highlight once again will be the Historic Festival in August with some very exciting news about this event to be released in the near future.

So in short get your membership renewed, we need your support.

Wolfgang Schnittger is 2020 treasurer and can be contacted at sc********@sc********.ie .



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