Double Header Weekend – Wexford Hillclimb and Bishopscourt Race
Good Evening all! Just a bit of a heads up; the HRCA will be in two places at once this coming weekend! While the Bishopscourt contingent will be racing up in the Ards peninsula on Saturday and Sunday, we will also have a presence at the Wexford Hillclimb 2023. We...
2023 Wicklow Classic Car Run – See You There!
Good Afternoon everyone! While we’re getting ready for the season start next week in Mondello, we at the HRCA would like to draw your attention to our fun Classic Car Run, taking place on the 29th of April. Giving you an opportunity to stretch your historic cars...
Ford Fiesta Six Hour Challenge – With A Historic Surprise!
On Sunday the 6th November, Mondelo’s six hour Fiesta endurance race featured for the second time four of our members competing together for the win. Ken McAvoy, Liam Ruth, Clive Brandon and Wolfgang Schnittger took their Fiesta out from the barn and had a great...